Lately I have been thinking about family, and the question that I think needs to be answered is what being a family truly means! Family is not based on DNA or genetics, rather it is based on relationships and bonds that can never be broken. Family is 100% unconditional love. Family is being strong through good times, bad times, and times that you aren't sure you will ever make it through. Going through infertility has really opened my eyes as to what the true meaning of family is. For years all I wanted was to get pregnant, and my every breath revolved around research, thermometers, charts, our "schedule", tests, new drugs, new doctors, and so on and so on. God was faithful through all of that, even when I would yell at Him when the stick showed a minus sign instead of the positive sign,I so desperately needed to see! The whole time He wanted me to trust Him, His will, His timing, and His plan...I was just too focused on what I wanted,to be receptive to how He wanted to bless me. Now I can't say that my plan had nothing to do with His plan, because had we not walked through this I wouldn't be the mother that I am. I am convinced that if I would have been able to get pregnant at the drop of a hat (like I wanted to) I would not cherish my children the way that I do. Yes I would love them and I still think I would be a good mom, but I don't think all the "insignificant" things in their lives would be so significant to me! Kind of like you don't know what you have until it's gone....same scenario here. I didn't know how special it would be to have a family and what a tremendous blessing it was, until I thought I would never have one! Again, God was faithful through all of my trials, all of my surgeries, all of the tests, etc...He never left my side! And looking back now I think that He was crying every time I shed a tear. He knew my heart, He knew my thoughts, and He didn't want me to be hurting so deeply! But He knew what was best, He knew what I truly needed, and He knew that His plan was perfect for me! His plan far exceeds any plans I had...His plan was PERFECT!!!! At the time I knew all of that in my head, and I knew it in my heart, but I was so focused on what I wanted that I couldn't turn this over to Him because I was terrified that it would mean that maybe His plan didn't include a family for me! One day I asked myself the question....what makes a family? And the answer that God gave me opened my eyes!!! "Do you want to get pregnant? Or do you want a family?" WOW! Blew my mind right out of the water!!! So many pregnancies don't ever produce a tangible family, been there, done that! But I realized that very moment (I can tell you where I was standing and what I was wearing when it hit me) that family has SO much more to do with people and not where they came from! My husband is the perfect example of this! What he came from has no bearing on who he is, how he lives, or choices he makes. I am so very thankful for how God can take such awful situations and use them for His glory and His plans! We just have to whole heartedly trust Him!
"Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart" Psalm 37:4
Wonderful post. And while I haven't gone through infertility, I understand what you mean on the cherishing moments thing. I find the little things to be bigger with my chickie because we weren't supposed to get to keep her.